Month: March 2005

  • Warning. This entry is selfish. How suiting... My relationship with him showed me that selfishness is my biggest fault & my most unattractive flaw. And today, one month after his death, I find myself writing about him like I was the only thing that mattered.


    Selfish? Maybe. But I loved him selflessly, even after everything. No one can accuse me of anything less than true, young love. You can accuse but I know the truth & I pray that he did, too...or at least that he does now.


    «    I left you waiting

    «    (know I left you waiting)

    «    At the least could we be friends?

    «    Should have never started

    «    (never started)

    «    Ain’t that the way it always ends?


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    with hates & loves & passions just like mine

    (you) were born & then (you) lived & then (you) died

    it seems so unfair

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



    On my life I’ll try today

    There’s so much I felt I should say

    But even if your heart would listen

    I doubt I could explain 



    What did I do to you? What did I start? How much of this is on my shoulders? Did you ever think of me? Did I ruin you? Had you forgiven me?


    In June of 2003, you hit rock bottom, you said so yourself- you’d lost the will to live & it was my fault. But you did live, for a year & a half more, and things were changing, right? you were supposed to be so happy, you’re supposed to be in Australia, you’re supposed to be recording your CD.

    Had you forgiven me? Did I ruin
    you? Did you ever think of me? How much of this is on my shoulders? What did I start? What do I to you?




    The hours, they creep

    The patterns repeat

    Don’t be concerned

    I know I’ll be fine on my own

    (I never said “don’t go”)



    (I never said “goodbye”)

  • “The hours they creep, the patterns repeat. Don’t be concerned, I know I’ll be fine on my own.” –Dashboard Confessional-


    I am such a Sonic whore. Since I found my car keys I’ve been there twice. Kids’ Meal with grilled cheese & an orange freeze to drink, with an extra corndog. Total, $4.12. I wonder if I’m one of those people whose orders they recognize now, like “Hey, the Grilled Cheese & Corndog Girl is here.” I’m a slut for Sonic. Soon, a fat slut. Stay tuned for fast-food inducedobesity.



    I’m finally watching Gilmore Girls. I’ve missed a million episodes & I hate that.


    I keep having dreams of everyday things like watching Oprah & telling Megan I borrowed a movie from her. Maybe it’s because I’ve been sleeping 12 hours a day. I go to bed at 4, wake up at noon, then nap from 5-7. Same thing every day. I think something is wrong with me, I know something is, but I’ll be home soon…



    I hate French accents. They always sound like they’re throwing up. Who started calling this a romance language, anyway? Ew.


    I watched Jersey Girl today & they performed part of Sweeney Todd which sent me spiraling into an M&Ms reminisce-fest all by my lonesome. The crew years… ahhhhh.



    T minus 9 days until it's for good.


    i never said,

    "don't go"

  • “You write such pretty words, but life’s no storybook.” –Bright Eyes-


    Before I go, I want one more grilled cheese & a corndog from Sonic. I want one more crazy night with my girls. I want one more movie at the Athena. I want one more sunny day on this gorgeous campus. I want one more night of freedom from living at home.


    This next one is a couples’ song. Reverse skate!



    I wonder why USA continues to play the Hannibal movies over & over & over, and why I always turn the TV on at the most grotesque parts, like when he bites the guard in the face or when that disgusting wheelchair guy with the on bulging eye is anywhere on-screen.


    I lost my keys which means I can’t get into the house & more importantly, I can’t drive my car anywhere, which is an absolutely crucial, essential necessity. So much so that I just used three words that all mean the exact same thing. It’s entirely probable that I misplaced them at the social in my drunken haze. Ack!



    A lady from Mexico bought my Gap backpack off of eBay for $14.50… and today the UPS guy told me it was going to cost me $46- at the very least- to ship it. Double-you tee eff?! I may just take the negative feedback on this baby!


    Get tuff my friends, learn to say no, get tuff my friends, drugs have to go.


    Crazy Nate, in tighty-whities & a plaid robe... told ya Saturday was craziness!

  • “Inhaling thrills through twenty dollar bills & the tumblers are drained & then flooded again.” –The Postal Service-


    Apparently my last post was not a crowd-pleaser. I hate not getting comments, you jerks.


    missb41183: oh....btw...i did not get a lifesaver vibrater

         missb41183: I told marisa i did, so she would tell me what she got


    This weekend was dramatic. Friday I had some Boone’s & some beer & went to the Theta Chi social, where I proceeded to get drunkenly depressed about leaving school & called Marisa to get reassurance that I’m doing the right thing.


                                 Trying to make Jech smile... or something???


    Last night I went all-out on Everclear with the Lambda Chis & my pants ripped while I was dancing & also I drunk-dialed my mother. I slow-danced with blast-from-the-past N8 Mattison on the porch & then some boy named Duck (“as in quack?” I asked him) drove me & Kristen home. I proceeded to pass out on the bathroom floor (gross, right, I know).  


    Yesterday we went “Hot-Tubbing” with the Lambda Chi boys on their front porch to raise money for the American Cancer Society. It was a lot of fun if for nothing else than to have a last sober hurrah with my girls & to listen to some kickass old tunes. AJ is afraid of stuffed animals & Jess likes dumb-looking surfer boys. Thresa’s a dancing queen & we all screw up song lyrics.

                                                       Getting jiggy with my girls & the ACS...


    Weezbjokin: i thought of converting to islam so I could get 27 virgins but then again thats wrong


    Things to look forward to: Jenn & James’ wedding & the open bar that accompanies it; possibly getting a job at the Nat or, hopefully, somewhere else cool; never wearing shoes into the shower again; NEW YORK CITY.

  • “You can’t stop wishin’ if you don’t let go, the things you find & you lose & you know.” –Jack Johnson-


    I am currently watching Wimbledon & eBaying & basically being a big waste of space until I go out tonight.


    SparkLR2002: Hey...making out is fun.  There's nothing wrong with it.'s good for fighting cavities.  If anyone says "why are you such a make out slut," you can just say "I like to have healthy teeth."


    Yesterday I participated in a Psych experiment where they attached some electrodes to my body… but to do so, they had to wrap mylar tape around my neck & my torso! They were measuring my physiological response to emotional movie clips but my main physiological response came when I tore the tape off & subsequently pulled off half the skin on my body.


    adashiver: guess what?
          GlossAndSauce: what?
          adashiver: i've officially worn the same pants for an entire week


    I think you want to see some funny pictures of Wednesday, like when Tom & I cooked Pop Tarts on the book-burner, or when Ryan had to take a shot (he despises them because Michelle & I were right about who Peter Jennings was; or having fun with unzippy pants...


    PS, if you missed my secret, it's not a secret anymore. Hit it here.

  • “You cannot waste a single night. What you ignore is priceless to me.” –Jimmy Eat World-


    Everyone knows my secret. The grapevine here travels faster than the speed of light, I think.

                                    …I’m transferring.


    I’m taking next quarter off to work & get my bearings. In June, I’ll start at Kent State, continuing in the same major I’m in now. I’ll graduate sometime in 2007, which really isn’t all that far behind… and we’ll see how it goes?


    I’ve always hated it here & I only stayed because my pride would not let me go. Now that I’ve proved to myself that I can stay here, I just don’t want to.


    February was the worst month of my life & it’s not over yet, but Dave’s death has taught me about what matters & quite simply, what does not. He always thought I was crazy to do so many things that left me so unhappy… and it’s a crying shame that it took a tragedy to teach me how right he was.


    I believe in what I want & all I want is to be happy. If not now, when? 

  • let the pain burn away from our hearts / we have time to start all over again
    if you would shine your love down here /and make our hearts as perfect as new
    i promise i'll reflect it right back at you


    dancing / in plastic shake-up snow / do you believe in what you want?

  • “It’s colder than it ought to be in March & I’ve still got a day or two ahead of me.” –Dashboard Confessional-


    I’m disappointed in you guys- no one even asked what my secret change is! That’s okay… in case you are dying to know, you could probably ask this kid because he sucks at keeping his mouth shut but otherwise, well, I’ll tell you soon. Things are being finalized- I’m scared, nervous, excited, sad… relieved.


    Why must it precipitate? I thought winter was on its way out, but I was wrong. Ohio is so frickin’  bi-polar. Also, I fell in the middle of the street the other day but no one was even around to appreciate it- so not only did it hurt like an em-effer, it was also a waste of humor on someone else’s part.

    (((This came from an epilepsy website...)))


    You’d be amazed at how many people are at the library at 5:00 a.m. How do I know this, you may ask? Oh, because last night I was one of the many. I finished my Journalism assignment at approximately dawn & got exactly two & a half hours of sleep since apparently I now have insomnia, too. I’m feelin’ it today, let me tell you.


    A fun library anecdote- while slaving away over my project, I had the pleasure of being seated near an Indian man working on his laptop & listening to some sort of Indian techno-symphony music on his headphones. You’d think that with headphones on I shouldn’t know what he was listening to, but these suckers were turned up so loud that I could’ve been sitting front row. Seriously, this went on for 2 ½ hours. I think he's deaf now. Or at least I hope.

    <<<"Turn the main down a bit, skid row!" >>>


    I have this problem where I always accidentally push the “Espanol” (insert tilda over n) button on the ATM & then I have to conduct an entire transaction in Spanish. I hate it. It always throws me for such a loop.


    Tonight’s a Wednesday & you know what that means! I’m back at Michelle’s for the first time in, what, two weeks? Three? Either way, I can’t wait- I want me some cookies & beer!





    how much did you love it?"

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